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**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC

File extension Details of ABM, ABS, ABZ, ABZ, ACE, ACF, ACG, ACM, ACT

File Type:Audition on-line dance battle
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Audition. game file.
Open Programs:

Audition Online

Company / developer:
  T3 Entertainment Co., LTD.

Audition Online

is a downloadable multiplayer online casual rhythm game.
You can experience the great dance only with direction keys and the space bar.There are more than hundred kinds of Dance available.
Audition Online is free to play but it earns it revenue by selling virtual items such as clothes for the player's avatar.

File Type:AB SuDoKu save game
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension used by AB SuDoKu software.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Andrei Baronov


it's a classic (9x9) Sudoku game.
Using the program, one can either play on a PC or print generated puzzles. Because the generation occurs on the fly, practically unlimited number of free sudoku puzzles is available. Also puzzles can be entered manually and the tool can be used as a sudoku solver.

File Type:AbszOrb 3D interactive game
Category:Game file
File Description:Fully interactive real-time 3D game /screensaver/ simulation in which users are able to texture, arrange and otherwise manipulate universes of spinning balls that interact and collide spectacularly in real-time.
Open Programs:

AbszOrb 3D

Company / developer:
  Mark Mullin

AbszOrb 3D

is basically a fun and simple example of a particle system in physics.
You have full flight control to soar through your universe or particle system and with the paid version you can texture orbs and arrange them in your universe.
For example, you can texture the balls with your own head and pass universes of "you" along for them to dote on. Because you can add 5 textures, you can put five different family members on orbs too.
AbszOrb is a fully interactive real-time application with hit detection, which means the orbs do know when the come into contact with one another.

File Type:Alpha Black Zero game file
Category:Game file
File Description:Package file contains game data (music, textures, sounds, models, maps).
Open Programs:

Dragon UnPACKer

Company / developer:
  Alexandre Devilliers

Dragon UnPACKer is a game archive (Quake PAK, etc..) unpacking tool. It is plugin based making easier to add new archive file formats.

Dragon UnPACKer has a convert ability and raw search function for known material (audio, video and pictures).

Dragon UnPACKer gives you the possibility to see into the big files in games like Quake, Unreal ...etc and extract files to anywhere you want easily.

Dragon UnPACKer can also convert some formats to more common formats.

File Type:Train Simulator texture file
Category:Game file
File Description:A realistic railroading experience on a personal computer.
Open Programs:

Train Simulator

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Train Simulator

Train Simulator 2 will model almost all of the world’s railways using sophisticated processing techniques and real-world track data.
Powerful tools will let you build upon this framework by customizing, extending, creating, and sharing your own content with other virtual railroading enthusiasts.

As Real As It Gets
Detailed 3-D cabs, locomotives, and rolling stock with real-world physics, functioning signals and switches, passenger/freight loading and unloading, dynamic weather, highly-detailed DirectX 10 graphics, and 5.1 Surround Sound all provide a highly realistic experience.

Hi-Definition Living World
Highly-detailed routes in North America and Europe combine with innovative terrain modeling, custom and automatically-generated scenery objects.

Games for Windows
The Games for Windows brand means four key things:

  • quality
  • compatibility
  • safety features
  • easy to install, find, and remove
File Type:X-Plane description file
Category:Game file
File Description:A realistic flight model available for personal computer.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Laminar Research


Welcome to the world of props, jets, single- and multi-engine airplanes, as well as gliders, helicopters and VTOLs such as the V-22 Osprey and AV8-B Harrier.
X-Plane scenery is world-wide, with scenery for the entire planet Earth between -60 and +74 degrees lattiude. There's also MARS scenery!
You can land at any of over 18,000 airports, as well as test your mettle on aircraft carriers, helipads on building tops, frigates that pitch and roll in the waves, and oil rigs.
X-Plane has detailed failure-modeling, with 35 systems that can be failed manually or randomly, when you least expect it! You can fail instruments, engines, flight controls, and landing gear at any moment.
X-Plane is also extremely customizable, allowing you to easily create textures, sounds, and instrument panels for your own airplanes that you design or the planes that come with the sim.
You can create your own airplanes (Plane-Maker), scenery (World-Maker) or to get a weather briefing before the flight if you use real weather conditions downloaded from the net (Weather Briefer) - all together in your purchase.

File Type:Age of Wonders saved game
Category:Game file
File Description:A turn-based game combining the best elements of strategy, adventure and role-playing.
Open Programs:

Age of Wonders

Company / developer:
  Triumph Studios

Age of Wonders

Age of Wonders is a turn-based game of strategy and conquest that successfully incorporates adventure, exploration and role playing elements.
It features 12 unique fantasy races, over 50 different heroes with upgradable abilities, dozens of spells and scores of locations to explore.
In this game of conquest, players employ strategic and tactical skills to command troops in capturing vital locations and defeating enemies in a captivating single player campaign or compete with friends in multi-player scenarios.

Technical features:

  • Easy to use point-and-click interface with tool tips and online help
  • DirectPlay and Play-by-email (PBEM) support for multiple players on a single PC or over Internet, LAN, modem, or direct connection.
  • Choice of Round Robin or Simultaneous turn schemes for multiplayer games. Simultaneous turns greatly speed up multiplayer games!
  • 16-bit color, 640x480 SVGA graphics, with support for resolutions up to 1280x1024.
  • Story-driven, nonlinear single player campaign with multiple endings.
  • Easy to use scenario editor and tools for the creation of custom heroes and artifacts.Rich, orchestral soundtrack and digitized sound effects.
File Type:Compressed sound file (Fallout 1.2, Baldur's Gate)
Category:Game file
File Description:Compressed sound file (Fallout 1.2, Baldur's Gate)
Open Programs:

Baldur's Gate

Company / developer:

Baldur's Gate

The popular Baldur's Gate series take place on Faerûn.
Baldur's Gate features revolutionary graphics using an isometric view, dynamic lighting, 3D height maps, and real-time light-sourcing and sprites moving through a pre-rendered world of 16-bit color objects and terrain on five CDs full of over 10,000 scrolling game screens.
Combat is real-time, with the option for pseudo turn-based control. Tapping the space bar freezes time, and while the game is frozen, you can plan out the actions of your party members.
Baldur's Gate features over 100 hours of gameplay in an immense game world depicted with vibrance and fluidity, featuring visually impressive special effects like dynamic full-color lighting effects, dynamic changes in character appearance, realistic day to night changes, rain, snow, fog, lightning, all occuring in real-time.

File Type:Train Simulator activity file
Category:Game file
File Description:A realistic railroading experience on a personal computer.
Open Programs:

Train Simulator

Company / developer:
  Microsoft Corporation

Train Simulator

Train Simulator 2 will model almost all of the world’s railways using sophisticated processing techniques and real-world track data.
Powerful tools will let you build upon this framework by customizing, extending, creating, and sharing your own content with other virtual railroading enthusiasts.

As Real As It Gets
Detailed 3-D cabs, locomotives, and rolling stock with real-world physics, functioning signals and switches, passenger/freight loading and unloading, dynamic weather, highly-detailed DirectX 10 graphics, and 5.1 Surround Sound all provide a highly realistic experience.

Hi-Definition Living World
Highly-detailed routes in North America and Europe combine with innovative terrain modeling, custom and automatically-generated scenery objects.

Games for Windows
The Games for Windows brand means four key things:

  • quality
  • compatibility
  • safety features
  • easy to install, find, and remove
File Type:A.R.S.E.N.A.L game file
Category:Game file
File Description:File used in A.R.S.E.N.A.L "Extended Power" game.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Tactical Soft

A.R.S.E.N.A.L "Extended Power"

A real time strategy game based on 2nd World War units.
40 different units are featured over GROUND, AIR and SEA: 15 ground units, 10 navy units, 10 aircraft and 5 fixed defense units.


  • 4 video modes : 640x480 - 800x600 - 1024x768 - 1280x1024
  • "Edges Free" maps up to 65536 cells surface in various landscapes
  • Network multiplayer game up to 32 players in team mode
  • Outstanding gameplay, unit ranking, fuel management and formation move
  • Negociation interface and diplomatic advisor
  • Competitives I.A. characters synthetised with personality features

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC